Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Classification of Anxiety Disorders

Muir-Cochrane (2003) suggests that the most common anxiety disorders are classified as follows:

• generalised anxiety disorder

• phobias

• obsessive-compulsive disorder

• post-traumatic stress

• panic disorder.

However, Muir-Cochrane  states that ‘anxiety is one of the most common treatable mental disorders’. Anxiety can also be present in some other mental disorders such as depression; high levels of anxiety can trigger suicidal thoughts. Semple et al. (2005) class this as ‘differential diagnosis’ – it can occur as a part of another disorder. Therefore, it is essential that anxiety disorders are taken into consideration and treated appropriately. If not, anxiety could exacerbate an already established mental disorder and give rise to undue distress to the person.

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