Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

cluster a personality disorders symptoms

cluster a personality disorders symptoms Cluster A includes paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders,
which are characterized by odd and eccentric behavior, odd patterns of aff ect and
cognitions, and interpersonal isolation. Some researchers see a possible symptomatic
and genetic relationship to schizophrenia (Livesley, 1995; Magnavita,
2004; Parnas, Licht, & Bovet, 2005). Th us, Cluster A disorders most frequently
co-occur with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or psychotic symptoms
such as delusions. Cluster A personality disorders may represent clinical variation
of more severe psychotic disorders (Dolan-Sewell et al., 2001).
Braff (2005) found that Cluster A diagnoses account for only 4.1% of all
cluster diagnoses. People with these disorders oft en do not seek treatment,
and when they do, associated symptoms of depression, loneliness, or anxiety
may prompt the help-seeking behavior (Parnas et al., 2005; Klein, 1995). Th ere
is a paucity of research on the prevalence of these diagnoses in the general
college population. When students with these disorders come for treatment,
it typically is at the insistence of faculty, administrators, residential staff , or
parents. Th ere are times when the behaviors of these students are so bizarre
or preventive of academic and career progress that a medical leave of absence
with a mandate to get therapy may be in order, which may be one way these
students engage in treatment.

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