Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

cluster b personality disorders

cluster b personality disorders Cluster B is characterized by erratic, overemotional, and dramatic presentations
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Magnavita (1997) terms this
cluster the “mixed-results” group, because there is signifi cant diversity of
symptoms and rates of improvement. Th is cluster—the antisocial, borderline,
histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders—involves craving of stimulation
but diffi culties getting needs met appropriately and delaying gratifi cation.
All these personality disorders are familiar to college counseling centers.
Individuals with Cluster B diagnoses have a high co-occurrence of Axis
I disorders, especially substance abuse and dependence (Dolan-Sewell et al.,
2001), and mood, anxiety, and eating disorders (Oldham et al., 1995; Tryer,
Gunderson, Lyons, & Tohen, 1997). At a university counseling center, students
with Cluster B disorders oft en self-refer due to their Axis I concerns
(e.g., eating disorder, depression), or they may be referred by judicial offi cers
or residential living staff due to substance use or violations of academic or
residential codes of conduct.

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