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cluster c personality disorder symptoms

cluster c personality disorder symptoms Cluster C entails pervasive anxiety and fear. Th is cluster is the most ambiguous
of the three because it overlaps with Axis I diagnoses, especially anxiety,
mood, eating, and somatoform disorders (Dolan-Sewell et al., 2001). Th e
“central features of timidity, persistent tension, proneness to anxiety, dependence,
lack of confi dence, and the constant expectation of distress and disaster
in these personality disorders are similar features of anxiety disorders”
(Tyrer, 2005, p. 351). Magnavita (1997) views Cluster C as characterized by
diffi culty experiencing and expressing anger, with much self-blame and lack of assertiveness. Because these individuals are aware of their suff ering, they
may be the most treatable among the personality disorders. Left untreated,
however, these disorders can cause signifi cant impairments.
Cluster C consists of avoidant personality disorder (APD), dependent
personality disorder (DPD), and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
(OCPD). Students with these disorders tend to initiate treatment due to
struggles with mood, anxiety, and adjustment. Th e developmental challenges
of separating from home, developing new relationships, and handling novel
situations can be overwhelming for them and exacerbate internal turmoil.

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