Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Community Mental Health Services

Community Mental Health Services Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) are what we call general services. Any adult of working age who has a mental health problem can access them. There will be at least one in every borough or district within
the UK. They are based in the community, generally at an easily accessible
location. The Community Mental Health Team is a multi-disciplinary
team that works together to assess, treat and support the person with a
mental health problem. The following professionals usually work there:
 Clinical psychologists
 Community psychiatric nurses (CPNs)
 Social workers
 Occupational therapists (OTs)
The most common way to gain access to a Community Mental Health
Team is by referral from a GP.
People with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems will
generally be referred to a Community Mental Health Team in the following
 If they have mild intellectual disabilities and a mental health problem
 If the local Community Learning Disabilities Team does not
have any staff specializing in mental health problems
 If there is no Specialist Mental Health in Learning Disabilities
 If the Community Mental Health Team staff member feels they
have the skills and knowledge to provide effective care to the
person with intellectual disabilities
Once a referral has been received a member of the team will see the person to start the assessment process. People may see health professionals either at the Community Mental Health Team or at their home. They will assess the person’s current needs and state of mental health. Depending on the individual’s needs they may refer them to another professional in the team for additional work, such as an occupational therapist or clinical psychologist. Community Mental Health Teams will provide care under the CPA framework. This means that the person’s needs will be discussed at a team meeting and the team will decide on the most suitable member of the team to be the care co-ordinator. A care plan will be written, involving all those involved in the person’s care, including you and the person you care for.
The care co-ordinator will regularly meet with you and the person you care
for to monitor progress.
Assessment and treatment packages will be holistic in nature, which
means they will take into consideration many aspects of the person’s life
and look at what impact these have on their mental health. The care
package may well involve professionals from other organizations such as
education, housing and employment. This will depend on the person’s
individual needs.

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