Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Controlled Drinking for Alcoholics

Controlled Drinking for Alcoholics

If a person chooses controlled drinking, then there are some tips you can suggest

to control the amount of drink used every day:

• Keep a track of how much you drink (if possible by recording it in a diary).

• Have at least two or three days in a week when you o not have any drink.

• Alternate alcoholic drinks ith non-alcoholic drinks.

• Do not drink ‘straight’ lcohol – mix it with water r soda so one drink lasts longer.

• Put less alcohol into each mdrink (for example, drink only single pegs).

• Never drink in the daytime.

• Make each drink last longer (for example, an hour).

• Eat before you have your first drink.

• Do not drink alcohol to quench your thirst; have water or other nonalcoholic drinks.

• Reduce the time you spend in bars or with friends who drink heavily.

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