Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Creative activities are well suited to clients

Examples of frequently used creative activities include crafts, baking, writing, music and gardening. The therapeutic aims of these activities as with all activities as previously stated are numerous. They can include the learning of new skills and the experience of success and subsequent increased confidence through participation in and completion of a task. For some, the activity can provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression or may be seen as a possible leisure interest or hobby.

Creative activities are well suited to clients who have difficulty using verbally based treatment. McDermott researched the benefits of craft-based activity groups and found that there was a greater degree of interaction and positive communication in these groups than in those which were verbally based. As with all activity-based interventions, the activity chosen can be graded requiring more complex tasks to be undertaken by the service user, and the degree of support offered by the practitioner can be gradually withdrawn to encourage the development of greater self-reliance and confidence.

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