Mental health articles

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Cultural sensitivity in child sexual abuse

Cultural sensitivity in child sexual abuse This decision was
made because child sexual abuse is primarily a gendered problem that crosses all races
and ethnicities, as well as all socioeconomic strata. On the other hand, once victims
become known to the system, they are subject to institutionalized biases that exist.
That professionals react to hypothetical vignettes differently based upon the gender,
age, socioeconomic status, and race of the victim or offender (Jackson & Nutall, 1993;
Watson & Levine, 1989; Zellman, 1992), and sometimes even the professional,
suggests that institutionalized biases continue. The previous chapter also presented
data suggesting that some minorities appear to be over-represented in identified populations. It is thus critical that all interventions be culturally sensitive and that all
children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status, have equal
access to all resources offered by the system. It is also important to ensure that no
cohort receives more preferential or punitive treatment. A panel with expertise in
both child sexual abuse and cultural sensitivity could be convened to assess all
systemic interventions with sexually abused victims, families, and offenders for their
cultural sensitivity. This panel could then make recommendations for change or for
further research to assess and address these issues.

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