Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

dealing with seizures at home

Things to remember when dealing with a person who has had a seizure
• Seizures are a sudden, and brief, change in the behaviour or conscious state of the person.
• Epilepsy most often starts before the age of 30; someone with a first-ever seizure after the age of 30 may suffer from a serious brain or medical disorder and should be referred.
• Never try to restrain someone who is having a seizure; in most cases, the seizure will be over within minutes.
• Educate the person regarding the need to take the medicines regularly, to avoid driving or working with heavy machinery and to avoid alcohol.
• People with epilepsy may develop other problems, such as depression and even psychoses.
• Refer the person to a specialist before starting anticonvulsant drug treatment. If this is not possible, use the guidelines in this manual on how to diagnose epilepsy and use drug treatments.

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