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Delay will increase the pressure of people
Procrastination is the delay behavior ,which is not necessary and can lead to bad ending.Now this word isn't a standard psychological term or medical term,but serious or frequently behavior often is the sign of the deeper problems.
Delay is the problems of people in daily life or working.Even that some people will put off things for many months.Some people think this is a bad habit.But the others think this is a mental illness which called procrastination.
Mr.Wang who works in bank is draggy.He often finishes the tasks in the deadline and tired of it.So is draggy the procrastination?
Psychologists said procrastination was a way of escaping.It's a bad habit.But there isn't procrastination in psychology.It increases the pressure of people.
Delay not only increase press,but also due to other influence.If one thing is put off,it will become a influence.Although on the surface not to come out, but in fact there is a big psychologiycal pressure
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