Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Denial can take many forms

If you are in denial, then nothing is wrong, and it is not your fault— which is rubbish! This attitude needs to change. Nothing else will change until this does. In fact, things will probably have to get worse—considerably worse—before anything will force you into accepting that something really is wrong, that you are involved, partially responsible, and therefore you probably need to make some changes. How long do you want to wait, and how much more do you want to suffer before this denial ends? Denial can take many forms: denial of illness, conflict, concern, hope, responsibility, etc. You may need to work on changing your attitude to yourself and others before you start to get any “goodies”. Instead of “either … or …” situations: good–bad; right–wrong; etc., instead try to see things more as “both … and …”. This can ease some of the rigidity and polarity and help you move forward a little. The most significant feature of anyone’s treatment is the moment they come out of denial and say, “OK. Something really is wrong. I think I could do with some help here.”

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