Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Depressed and anxious and Environmental Changes

Depressed and anxious students oft en attribute their problems to outside circumstances,
and sometimes they are right. For them to recover from their
problems, something in their lives must change. And since students’ lives do
change rapidly and unpredictably, time is oft en treatment’s great ally. Once
midterms pass, the psychological crisis may be over.
When time alone won’t suffi ce, students, with or without therapists’
assistance, may have to change their circumstances: getting extensions or
taking incompletes, dropping a course or a part-time job, changing majors, transferring to a new school, switching roommates, moving on or off campus,
or taking time off from school. It’s remarkable how powerful an eff ect
one environmental change can sometimes have, restoring a student’s confi –
dence and propelling forward moment.

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