Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Depression and Mood

Mental health is neglected among older people generally. It is often neglected,dismissed, or misunderstood among people with disabilities. In large part, many mental health providers are ill equipped to respond to the needs of people with disabilities regardless of the cause or age. Despite the lack of mental health servicesin the community, a substantial literature has evolved around mental health, especially depression, for people experiencing mobility, sensory, or cognitive disabilities. Reviewing that body of literature is beyond the scope of thischapter. However, Rovner, Casten and Tasman (2002) and Horowitz (2003) have done considerable work in depression and macular degeneration. A recent paper by Jones, Rovner, Crews, and Danielson (2009) looked more broadly at depression risk and health behaviors among older people reporting vision impairments from a population perspective. Depression and spinal cord injury has received considerable attention. See Kemp (2004, 2005) and Kemp and Krause (1999) for review papers.

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