Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Developmental tasks of infancy in the second year of life

The second year of life is marked by two major developmental achievements: the
development of language and symbolic play, and increased mobility and
independence. There is a consolidation of secure base behaviour and exploration
seen towards the end of the first year and as the infant, now toddler, experiments
with independence the foundation is laid for regulation of affect and aggression
and the development of self-awareness as an individual. Language development
is rapid during this year and indicates the developing capacity to use symbols
and imagination. This is linked to the development of imaginative play, and there
is great interest in their own bodies including bodily excretions. Between 14 and
18 months toddlers begin to show recognition of themselves in the mirror and
to include the personal pronouns ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘mine’ in their speech. Along with
this goes the ability to say ‘no’ and to experiment with the degree of control they
have over events and other people. The role of the caregivers changes in this
period as they are required to set limits and ensure safety while also remaining
responsive and available, continuing to provide a ‘secure base’ while managing
what at times is their inevitable frustration with an increasingly independent and
unpredictable small person in their care (Lieberman & Slade, 1997b). In the
following example the development of language and imaginative play combined
with the increasing desire to be ‘in control’ are shown:
Today Mia used a rubber ring as a pretend car. She said ‘Go work! Bye’ and
‘drove off ’ to the next room. I go to work three days a week and I got the sensethat she was pretending to be me and perhaps also dealing with the fact that we
are separate and that going to work is something I do. We needed to go out so I
told her it was time to get out of the ‘car’ and come with me. She didn’t want to
and said ‘no no!’ before crying and throwing herself on the floor. (Mary, mother
of Mia, one year and 11 months.)

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