Mental health articles

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Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for suicidal behaviors

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for suicidal behaviors Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) (Linehan, 1993a, 1993b) is an evidencebased
outpatient psychotherapy for chronically “parasuicidal” adults diagnosed
with borderline personality disorder. Parasuicide is defi ned as acute, deliberate
nonfatal self-injury or harm that includes suicide attempts and nonsuicidal
self-injurious behaviors (Linehan, 1993a). Suicidal behaviors are considered to be maladaptive solutions to painful negative emotions engaged in because of
their affect-regulating qualities and the help they elicit from others.
DBT treatment focuses on validation and empowerment. The therapist
aims to help patients modulate their emotional reactions, reduce the associated
extreme behaviors, and accept their own reactions. Problem solving is a
core component of skills training, supplemented by a range of ancillary treatments,
supportive group sessions, and telephone consultations. Emphasis is
placed on the therapeutic relationship, though more in the style of cognitive
than psychodynamic psychotherapy. Other core DBT skills include mindfulness
training, interpersonal effectiveness skills, and techniques to deal with
psychological distress.

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