Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

diseases associated with psychological problems

Many incurable diseases associated with psychological problems diseases associated with psychological problems

   Perhaps some people can not believe that how can psychology therapy to cure the diseases of the body, but now that is a case. Psychological therapy is widely used into other areas by many scientists. Cognitive behavioral therapy to the patient’s thinking and it has a positive impact that it can effectively treat various diseases, including skin, gastrointestinal problems, chronic pain, and so on.

What is more remarkable, psychology treatment techniques can alleviate the symptoms of the diseases, not just let the patients can suffer more. For example, psoriasis is a kind of chronic skin disease, the cause that the patient’s skin regeneration speed too fast should be caused by the immune system disorders. About the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy, for scientific research is verified, the curative effect of more than 6 months.

About 60% of patients with psoriasis will produce the exacerbation of the situation because of the pressure, the reason is probably the patients under stress, the body produces the stress hormone cortisol reduced anti-inflammatory role, cortisol also cannot make a different to it. If the stress will make the illness serious, the psychological therapy that relieves pressure is improved to the condition. 

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