Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Disorganised attachment

Disorganised attachment Unresolved trauma in a parent with personality disorder directly influences the relationship with the infant and produces attachment disorganisation (Fonagy et al., 1995). When the parent is unempathic, inconsistently responsive and confusing or frightening, infants are unable to organise a strategy to deal with the parent’s behaviour (Solomon & George, 1999). The pattern of infant and child difficulties, or behaviours, resulting from abusive/traumatic parenting is based on neurophysiological effects, as well as on insecure attachment. Problems such as poor affect modulation and impulsivity may reflect the effects of a traumatic environment on the developing nervous system (Perry & Pollard, 1998; Schore, 2001). The infant with disorganised attachment may develop patterns of punitive and controlling interactions with the parent in the preschool years. Disorganised attachment has also been linked with the development of disruptive behaviours and conduct disorders. Infants and young children with disorganised attachment behaviours may present with problems of emotional and behavioural dysregulation and have difficulties in peer relationships.

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