Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Do You Have Cornpulsive Hoarding?

   Do You Have Cornpulsive Hoarding?

Xiaojing has an unusual habit—collecting books.there are many books about comic,primary school,professional of university,she even picked books up form outside,and she piles them in carton or corner messly.Her parents are angry with she as there are more and more books in home,demanding to throw away all the books.But she againsts them because she thinks everybook is useful,if throws them away,she will feel empty.In addition,xiaojing has been collecting kinds of brands,kinds of plastic bag ,stuffed with the room.

Case analysing: The situation of xiaojing belongs to compulsive hoarding.American Mental Disease Society has statisticted the insidence of a collecting too much things which are cheap or unuseful ,like the ice cream packages,clothing signs,beverage bottle’s lid.patients are emotioned to these article ,but the behavior of collecting usually disturb others life.Compulsive hoarding is related to mental wound.For example ,maybe they buy many unuseful things are just want to lead off their emotion.What’s more,the main difference between sense of security and compulsive hoarding is whether there are conflict in heart.

Psychology prescription:Patients should find out the deep reasons under psychologist’s treatment.Patients also have to “practicing abandon”,learn to abandon thoese unuseful things.It’s better to their family help them to transful their attention and can’t throw away their corner things,which can make them produce depressed emotion.

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