Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Doing Exercise and No Worries

Do you have worries about something small in your life and work? The research doing by Saint Leo University in American recently found that exercise regularly can reduce the level of mental and physical pressure as well as worries.Researchers investigated the exercise situation of 476 office workers and the confidence of their ability to deal with contradictions between family and work. The results showed that people with regular exercise can perform well in copying with these contradictions. “Good feelings of jogging several kilometers or walking will pass to every corner of life,“Russell Clayton, an assistant professor of management of the university said. But he also reminded that it could increase pressure for part of office workers to make time to exercise in the intense work. Therefore, he advocated to exercise with "leisure time", for example, spending five minutes to climb stairs or 30 seconds of continuous in situ jumping movement. A spokesman of the U.S. sports association, Dr. Mers said, “ Seeing the exercise as an investment and just 30 minutes a day can get more exuberant energy and focus of attention.

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