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Domestic Violence Why Women Stay

Why do women stay in violent relationships? Domestic Violence Why Women Stay
Women do not leave their violent husband for many reasons:
• No money, nowhere to go. The woman is trapped by her money situation; if she leaves, she may have no home to go to and no money.
• How will the children manage without a father? If she has children, she may worry about their future.
• What will he do if I go? She may be scared of what he might do if she leaves. Some husbands threaten to kill their wife, or to kill themselves.
• What will others think if I leave? She may have little social support; some women find that their own families reject their complaints of violence.
• Domestic Violence Why Women Stay. Let me try to change to make things better. Some women blame themselves for the violence. They may feel that they should try to change in order to make the situation better.
• This is what marriage is about. Some women may believe that violence is a ‘normal’ part of living with a man. This is especially so for women who have seen their own mothers or sisters being beaten.


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