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Don’t let the six kinds of mental state stolen your happy

Dont let the six kinds of mental state stolen your happy

1. Be full with negative thinking. Unhappy people subconsciously have a lot of negative thinking. Such as when you dating , If your mind is full of "he can't be like me" ,that your behavior will become stiff,Expression seems to be very depressed , and the other will inevitably think, " This people always pulling faces , or do not be contacted with him. " 
Prescription: give yourself positive psychological suggestion; these positive "psychological prophecy" will come true.
2. There is no goal in life. U.S. Department of Psychology at Columbia University, Professor Neil • Bolger said, more happy life ideal of the people working hard. For example, if the work is to lay a foundation to realize the ideal, the bitter and tired will become satisfaction.
Prescription: the combination of personality, hobbies and social reality and the courage to try to find the goal in life. USA President Franklin said, life without fail, only stop trying. Therefore, any attempt to be encouraged.
3. Can't see the beauty. The splendid sunrise, a blooming flower, a child's smile…… Our side does not lack beauty, but when we focus on the negative things, and don't see these beautiful, naturally not happy.

Prescription: Writ three things to be happy and grateful every day can let you become sensitive to the good things.

Prescription: Write down three things to be happy and grateful every day, make you sensitive to the wonderful things changed. 
4. Repeatedly pondering something. Some people have a bit of trouble and won't stop wondering, so magnify the minutiae of events, to redouble their negative effects follow. 
Prescription: Prescription: put that down may occur "bad", think through how likely occur. We often found, these fantasy disaster is not possible. 
5. See the problem inflexibly. See the problem can not be considered in many aspects, we can not see the "bad" hidden behind the good, will miss the chance, do not see hope.

Prescription: Apple's Steve Jobs, former president of the United States there is a coup: When he faces a huge setback, he always thought, "If we should die tomorrow, how I would choose." His face death by distance with the current predicament; look at the issue from a new perspective.

6. Always loved pulling faces. Some people love to overcast with a straight face, that people will naturally not on him with a smile, happy it is difficult to pass to his heart. 
Prescription: out the door every day to make their upturned mouth.American psychologist John • Ray that Germany found that smiling and happy affect each other. In other words, try to smile when we are more likely to feel happy.

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