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Drug abuse and life-threatening infectionss

Drug abuse and life-threatening infections

Drugs like heroin are sometimes injected into the body. Because people who inject drugs may share needles and syringes, and because drug users are more likely to engage in unsafe sex, they are at risk of HIV infection. Another serious disease that is associated with the same routes of infection is hepatitis B.

You must educate people about the risks of these serious infections. Urge them never to share needles and syringes. Suggest using disposable syringes only. This will also reduce the risk of skin and body nfections that can occur with dirty needles. Always give advice on safe sex. Suggest testing for HIV and epatitis B after counselling. If the person is HIV positive, you will need to give advice on safe sex and other ssues (see also WTIND and WWHND). If the person does not have either infection, recommend a hepatitis  vaccination. Encourage the person to switch from injection to smoking or other routes of drug use. inally, of course, stopping taking the drug is the goal, although this may often not be possible at the start.

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