Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Effect of parental disorder on infant mental health

Effect of parental disorder on infant mental health
Disturbances in early relationships, and interaction between parents with
borderline personality disorder and their children, begin in infancy, because of
inappropriate reading of infant cues. Some mothers describe feeling estranged,
anxious, overwhelmed or even angry with infants from birth. Mothers who have
experienced early abuse may be fearful of abusing the infant and become
withdrawn. Others want to protect the infant and appear intrusive and anxious.
For the infant, the interactions with the parent may be confusing or
inconsistent. The infant may be distressed by this and find it difficult to predict
the parent’s response or to feel that her communications are validated. Infants
may develop various clinical syndromes and types of emotional disturbance and,
while a number of factors may contribute (genetic influences, temperament and
protective environmental factors), the disturbances all involve a disorganised
attachment relationship with the parent, and its subsequent effects on selfdevelopment,
including difficulties understanding and processing feelings, and
poor tolerance of anxiety. Many of the children show several characteristic
features: anxiety and anger directed towards the parent, increased aggression,
poor ability to name and modulate affect, internalised negative self-attributions
and disorders of empathy (Newman & Stevenson, in press). Others may become
fearful, depressed and withdrawn, particularly if the parent is frightening and

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