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Eight psychological characteristics predict women excessive narcissism

Eight psychological characteristics predict women excessive narcissism 1.only themselves worthy to be loved Loving yourself is nothing wrong, however over-loved is narcissistic. For narcissistic women, psychology just like a mirror to self appreciation at any time, interest always on themselves, exchanging with the outside world, just for self charm index verification. For any temperament, their body organs, features, they care too much and want to find out something to prove .Even if it is self-deception. Narcissistic women will be ready interpretation perfectly for others , even can not convince others, also put on a look of disdain. 2.conquer men just to prove them Narcissistic women get along with man in the crowd, and can with multi because of vanity. The deeper reasons for that :it is a way to prove themselves. Rather than they enjoy, just appreciate themselves in the process . The ambiguous game than any senior cosmetics can have better cosmetic effect. 3.require their boyfriends absolute loyalty Narcissistic women actually are very fragile, longing for identify the charm to strengthen confidence. Find a boyfriend, you absolutely can't think about other woman, no matter from appearance or from the heart, to be absolute loyalty. Otherwise, narcissistic women will be nervous, self-confidence will collapse, to e a boyfriend of a narcissistic woman, is not an easy thing. 4. Regard your charm absolutely powerful Narcissistic women, recognize your strengths will always use the "magnifying glass", recognize their own shortcomings, will use "BianSeJing",they'd have the advantages disadvantages are also said to another point of view, which, though they give it gives intensity, and be fully displayed in public. So narcissistic women in voice, tone, walking gait, body language, etc., have a special degree of sensitivity and self-training. When they standing in the doorway of self all the time, one eye staring at the outside, one eye on the inside. 5. self-confidence is damaged easily to be angry at others Self-confidence, may be the most difficult to accept, they take it down to the efforts of things, once be hurt, they will become despair, neurotic, exhaust, even, at this moment, the mostly are easy to put in the heart of resentment and rage on their loved ones, friends, are unreasonable. 6. there is always a mirror admiring yourself deep consciousness Narcissistic women, are always occupied a mirror, so that at any time to enjoy myself in the mirror, at the same time, take the mirror look in other women, in order to do some comparison, find yourself enough confidence, or to find their own distinctive. 7. others envy themselves when be laughed at Narcissistic women, always in love with yourself, be good at lives with self psychological, narcissism, self appreciation, self tolerance, when others speak ill of yourself, in general cases, narcissistic women will show disdain, think that these people in envy themselves. Eight psychological characteristics predict women excessive narcissism 1.only themselves worthy to be loved Loving yourself is nothing wrong, however over-loved is narcissistic. For narcissistic women, psychology just like a mirror to self appreciation at any time, interest always on themselves, exchanging with the outside world, just for self charm index verification. For any temperament, their body organs, features, they care too much and want to find out something to prove .Even if it is self-deception. Narcissistic women will be ready interpretation perfectly for others , even can not convince others, also put on a look of disdain. 2.conquer men just to prove them Narcissistic women get along with man in the crowd, and can with multi because of vanity. The deeper reasons for that :it is a way to prove themselves. Rather than they enjoy, just appreciate themselves in the process . The ambiguous game than any senior cosmetics can have better cosmetic effect. 3.require their boyfriends absolute loyalty Narcissistic women actually are very fragile, longing for identify the charm to strengthen confidence. Find a boyfriend, you absolutely can't think about other woman, no matter from appearance or from the heart, to be absolute loyalty. Otherwise, narcissistic women will be nervous, self-confidence will collapse, to e a boyfriend of a narcissistic woman, is not an easy thing. 4. Regard your charm absolutely powerful Narcissistic women, recognize your strengths will always use the "magnifying glass", recognize their own shortcomings, will use "BianSeJing",they'd have the advantages disadvantages are also said to another point of view, which, though they give it gives intensity, and be fully displayed in public. So narcissistic women in voice, tone, walking gait, body language, etc., have a special degree of sensitivity and self-training. When they standing in the doorway of self all the time, one eye staring at the outside, one eye on the inside. 5. self-confidence is damaged easily to be angry at others Self-confidence, may be the most difficult to accept, they take it down to the efforts of things, once be hurt, they will become despair, neurotic, exhaust, even, at this moment, the mostly are easy to put in the heart of resentment and rage on their loved ones, friends, are unreasonable. 6. there is always a mirror admiring yourself deep consciousness Narcissistic women, are always occupied a mirror, so that at any time to enjoy myself in the mirror, at the same time, take the mirror look in other women, in order to do some comparison, find yourself enough confidence, or to find their own distinctive. 7. others envy themselves when be laughed at Narcissistic women, always in love with yourself, be good at lives with self psychological, narcissism, self appreciation, self tolerance, when others speak ill of yourself, in general cases, narcissistic women will show disdain, think that these people in envy themselves. 8. others is selfish, selfish external performance In essence, narcissistic women, too love for yourself, have quite selfish feelings. But the selfish is the most important performance, is selfish to others. In their logic, the more you care about them, their charms become more powerful, so you will be paid at all, even in life, let them get the ego charm. Otherwise, she will use torture to revenge you cruelly. 8. others is selfish, selfish external performance In essence, narcissistic women, too love for yourself, have quite selfish feelings. But the selfish is the most important performance, is selfish to others. In their logic, the more you care about them, their charms become more powerful, so you will be paid at all, even in life, let them get the ego charm. Otherwise, she will use torture to revenge you cruelly.

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