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eliminate worries and relaxation

eliminate worries and relaxation Doing six things can make you eliminate worries and relax

  Everyone will encounters bad things. And worries are not beneficial for you to solve these problems.On the contrary, the worst may be presented. The department of psychology at the university of Michigan’s Jason Dr moser and executive director of the university of Waterloo in Canada mental health research center, professor Christine Pearl, suggest that finishing six things can eliminate unnecessary worries and let you relaxed.

1.Focus on the present.

He says, if you are worried, you will have a bee in your head. And they will result in new concerns,negative assumptions and a vicious cycle. Positive people will focus on the problem at hand and think about how to solve. For example, if children are failed in an exam, the former will begin to worry about how to do if they can not enter a good university in the future. But the latter will help children to find reasons.

2.Do a bystander.

Think of all the possibility of bad results and have judgment. For example,you will worry about the work .In the worst case you lost your job and become homeless. You will spend the rest of your life under the overpass. However, this is obviously not possible. Moser give us a small coup. For example,you can use a name instead of “I”when you describe the negative thoughts. Because “I will fail”make worries seem imminent. But as a bystander, you can see the whole story more objective.

3.Find out the root cause of worries

Pearl says, easily worried people think that it is good for them to prejudge the consequences. But they can not stop supposition at the beginning. And they also do not know where the problem is.

4.Reduce the worry time

Pearl suggests a “worry chair”skills. For example,you can spend 15 minutes on sitting on the chair with worries every day. Other time you do not think of them completely.

5.Ask youself some questions

When you are caught in a negative thought, hurriedly ask youself some questions. For example, is this my problem? Can I work it out? Have I done all the efforts I can do? Is the situation is very urgent?If this is not urgent, I do not need the anxiety

6.Give your imagination some sunshine.

Moser had a study.He let the participants to see a photo,in which the woman was robbed by the robber.Then try to associate.The positive people will assume the woman could be free.In other words,we should learn to see good results in unfavorable situation.

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