Mental health articles

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emotional abuse signs in children

emotional abuse signs in children Emotional abuse
Suspect emotional abuse when a child:
• is not developing or growing properly;
• is losing weight for no obvious medical reason;
• is constantly falling sick;
• has poor language development, that is, not speaking as well as he should;
• is passive and does not react like other children;
• has feeding problems;

• goes back to behaving like a younger child (e.g. when a six-year-old starts behaving like a threeyear-
• tries to hurt himself;
• runs away from home;
• does not perform well in school;
• appears dull, with little energy; cries very little.
emotional abuse signs in children Note that the signs listed above are those that are typically associated with different types of
abuse. However, there is overlap. For example, running away from home can be a sign of sexual abuse, while bed-wetting can be a sign of physical abuse.


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