Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Emotional and mental health

People are emotional animals, joys and sorrows, the person all has, most psychopaths in emotional distress, therefore, have the closest relations of emotional adjustment and mental health. Under the normal emotions, emotional response meet the following several conditions: first, it is caused by a proper reason, the reason and for the care awareness by me. Second, the intensity of the emotional response, should cause the situation. Third, when the causes of mood disappeared, reaction as the case may gradually calmed down. Normal emotional reactions, both positive (good) or negative (bad), conduce to adapt to the individual's behavior. (1) a pleasant and smooth mood, can make the person's brain activity is in the best condition, ensure the body each organ system of the coordinated activities, make good appetite, sleep good, energetic, give full play to the potential of an organism, improve the efficiency of mental and manual labor and endurance. (2) the happy mood can make the whole the body's immune system and chemicals in the body in balance, so as to enhance resistance to disease. One survey found that almost all longevity at ordinary times very happy, and live in a family for a long time relationship, emotional harmony, spirit no pressure on the environment. (3) the resilience happy positive emotions can also make people prefer close to yourself, to help establish a good interpersonal relationship. Even jay levine, an American psychologist, said: "can't laugh, it is can measure a person on the surrounding environment to adapt to the scale." Although this is not exaggerated, but a sincere smile, it can infect others, eliminate barriers. To the strange guest, smile at one another, then shook hands; To bother hurt others, QianRan smile, can be forgiven; Meet a foreign friend, one smile, each other's heart is through. A face dark, never laugh, it's hard to say is psychological health. (4) anxiety, sorrow, fear, anger and other unpleasant emotions, as long as appropriate (conform to speak in front of three conditions), also is normal and beneficial. Individuals under moderate anxiety, the tension of the brain and nervous system increases, the thinking goes, reaction speed, thus can improve the work efficiency and learning effect. Excessive fear, is unusual, but not afraid of everything, is not normal. A moderate amount of fear, can make people be alert, avoid risk, to prevent failure. Fear made individuals into a state of nervous excitement, because sympathetic nervous excitement, adrenal secretion increased, respiration, heart rate, pulse quicken, blood pressure, blood sugar and blood oxygen content increases, accelerate the blood circulation, put large amounts of nutrients to the brain and muscle tissue, blood platelet increase a lot than usual, more easily due to lack the blood coagulation, and the activity of digestive organs will reduce, or even stopped completely, the stress response, make the body more energy to cope with the current danger. People have a similar reaction when angry.

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