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Envy is the big obstacle affecting the relationship

In fact, envy is the general mood to human. It is uphold to successes in modern society, however, in drastic compete, someone become success there must have someone be failure. After the failure, generated by the complex emotions of shame and anger and resentment is jealousy. There are two meaning of envy: on the one hand, envy has a positive significance. Shakespeare compared the envy to the guard of love. Indeed, if your lover not allow you to touch with other opposite sex, this will make you should know he or she love you very much. Otherwise, if he or she never be mind, so your love must be on the low level, or to dangerous. Therefore, there have some positive meaning in love of envy. If you can make the envy to the power of go forward, it’s positive.

On the other hand, envy may be the negative mean in the most of time. Jealousy often leads to negative behavior of slander and hate others. It is always in touch with narrow mind and lack of accomplishment. People who narrow mind will be envy of a little thing, every people who can better than him will be the reason of envy to him. Lack of the accomplishment will make the jealousy form mind to behavior, serious damage to relationships.

Although jealousy has its positive side, but it is the main hand of the negative, so it is necessary to overcome it. There some way to overcome jealousy: divert attention. Give yourself a reason to not jealousy. Finding your advantages, make the jealousy to the power of do other things, we are have no time to jealousy others. So to take an active part in all kinds of useful activities, make you enrich, in that way, jealousy will not be strong.

    When a person envy other people, always noticed that others and can’t attention the advantages of the places they are better than others. In fact, everyone has a weak hand than other people, when people exceed our on one hand, we can find on other hand we are strong than him, so that it can make our imbalance of psychological change to a state of balance.

All in all, it is not terrible to envy to others, the key is your attitude to envy. If you make the envy to the power of success, form negative to positive, it usually makes you exceed others. It’s all up to you.

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