Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

family-centered approach

A family-centered approach assumes that family roles and parenting are as important to mothers living with mental illnesses, as they are to those who are well. In
day-to-day practice, this suggests that women should be asked about their children (e.g., age, gender, where they are living, who is providing care for them, if they
visit—when and how often), encouraged to talk about family life, and supported in setting goals in the parenting domain if that is their priority. As one mother in the
Family Options intervention simply described, “We do family activities.” If they are not yet parents, women should be asked about their reproductive goals and
hopes and desires for family life.
Other family members can be involved in the recovery conversation to the extent desired by mothers; children may be included to the extent they are developmentally
ready, willing, and able. Mothers may benefit from support in communicating with partners and family members as well as with children, in age- and stageappropriate
ways, about their illnesses, and recovery goals and strategies. Family members may benefit from family psycho-education about mental illnesses, treatment, and recovery.

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