Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

family intervention services jobs

family intervention services jobs. Behavioural family interventions are one of a range of psychosocial interventions that have been found to be particularly effective in the reduction of relapse in those with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia. The main goal of the intervention is to reduce the level of stress and expressed emotion in the family as this has been found to be a factor in relapse.

family intervention services jobs. The intervention is based on the stress-vulnerability model, which sees the client as being predisposed to developing illness at times of stress,and seeks to reduce stress within the family. This is achieved by a combination of psycho-education about the client’s condition enabling the family to adjust their expectations as necessary and improve communication patterns. Practitioners work in pairs meeting with families on a regular basis; it is recommended that this should be for at least a nine-month period.

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