Mental health articles

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fear and panic attacks and heart palpitations

fear and panic attacks and heart palpitations
When we worry, we become scared that something unpleasant might happen. This is fear. Fear is an important part of learning in life. For example, when students fear failing their examinations, they may study harder for them. But if a person gets scared that he might die or that something terrible might happen to his family when there is no basis for such thoughts, fear cannot be helpful in any way.
fear and panic attacks and heart palpitations. Panic attacks are attacks of extreme anxiety and fear. Typically, the attack comes out of the blue
without any warning. It is associated with such severe physical symptoms, such as the heart beating fast or difficulty breathing, that the person is terrified that she may die or go mad. Many people will have one or two panic attacks at some time during their lives. However, sometimes, panic attacks become more frequent. When they occur regularly, for example once or twice a week,
then this is no longer normal.

(A) Sometimes when a person is worried he may get
palpitations of the heart.
(B) This can make him even more worried.
(C) He may think he is having a heart attack.
(D) This makes the palpitations even worse.
(E) He becomes terrified that he will die.

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