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Four tips to calming raging emotions

Four tips to calming raging emotions

Anger can make blood pressure up,body will also secrete some harmful substances, it will not only make in a bad mood, but also do harm to health .But today in the fast paced life, people become more and more irritable. How to arrange the anger well in life, this column will teach you four tips, calming your mood, and facing the life more actively.


A psychology professor at the university of north Carolina Nora Noel said, expressing your anger correctly can not only for yourself but also to let people know how you feel uncomfortable. Talking to friends is an effective way to reduce anger,she suggested.


Take deep breath 10 times, and let he belly bulge each time. Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatry professor from the Georgetown University of medicine, said, this skill of breathing allow you to inhale more oxygen and release some calming hormones, such as serotonin.

3.Write diary

James W. Pennebaker, a psychology professor from the university of Texas, said, picking up a pen writing something made you feel angry on paper can help you know the anger better, and start to understand it. Try to write an anger note, which can help you see that why you often feel angry.

4.Take a walk

According to a study published in the Journal of Psychology Anthropology, the researchers from Aichi University has found that, the women walking an hour everyday have lower anger and violence by more than 15% four weeks later.

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