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gambling addiction signs and symptoms

gambling addiction signs and symptoms In gambling addictions, one may observe a substantial amount of time spent in
gaming activities and the accumulation of mounting debts. Students may gamble at casinos or off -track betting parlors, online or in person. Th ey may gamble on
poker games, horse races, sporting events, or any other number of competitive
events. In full-blown cases, there is a progression from a winning phase fi lled with
excitement; to a losing phase accompanied by lying, irritability, and restlessness;
and fi nally to a desperation phase accompanied by hopelessness, suicidality, and
alienation of family and friends (IIAR, 2005). Gambling problems may be accompanied
by strong urges to gamble again, even aft er winning, and by lying to cover
up activities that are seen as embarrassing or shameful. Th e less severe cases can
be addressed in a college counseling-center setting. Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-step program like AA, and residential treatment programs may be of benefi t to
individuals suff ering from severe gambling addictions. In such cases, the college
counseling service can help by recommending a medical leave of absence and by
preparing students to accept a referral for more intensive treatment.

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