Mental health articles

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Gender and sexual problems

Gender and sexual problems
In many places, a woman typically does not have the same control over her body and sexual life as her
male partner. She may not be able to choose if and when she has sex. She may have to have sex whenever
her partner desires, and yet may not feel free to ask for sex when she desires it. While there may be
little you can do from a clinic to change this social problem, there are things you can do to reduce sexual
problems. For example, explaining to a woman that her desire to have sex, or her desire to stimulate
herself, is normal may help counter the belief that this is shameful. You may be able to explain to a
woman that she has the right to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy and teach her how to do this.
You could teach a woman who wishes to enjoy sex but finds that her vagina is too dry to use butter or
some other oily substance to make her vagina wet. As a health worker, there is much you can do to
change negative attitudes about gender. For more on this subject.

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