Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Gender Inequality in Health Care

Gender Inequality in Health Care There are three issues to consider when we think about women and mental health.
• Are women more likely to suffer mental health problems? This depends on the kind of mental illness.
Women are more likely to suffer depression and anxiety. However, severe mental disorders are equally common in both sexes, and dependence problems, such as alcohol abuse, are much commoner in men.
• Why do women suffer mental health problems? Stresses in life are known to make a person more likely to become depressed. Gender inequality leads to considerable stresses on women’s lives. Thus,a woman may work as hard as a man, but her work is likely to be less rewarded financially. She may not be entitled to ‘relaxation’ time or time for herself because her work is not valued. Also, at home she may face pressure to produce children.
• What happens to women who suffer mental health problems? Women with any health problem are less likely to receive the same quality of health care as men. Women’s complaints are taken less seriously by relatives and health workers. Women who are depressed often do not get the right treatment for their problems; instead they are prescribed sleeping pills and vitamins. Mentally handicapped girls are less likely to be sent to special schools. Whereas a mentally ill man may get married, mentally ill women are often left alone. Mentally ill women may be severely condemned for any behaviour that could be perceived as a violation of feminine nature, such as lack of attention towards the preparation of food or neglect of children. Mental illness in women may be seen as a disgrace to the family. Many mentally ill women receive little social support.
Married mentally ill women are more likely to be sent back to their parental home, deserted or divorced.

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