Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

generalized anxiety disorder possible causes

generalized anxiety disorder possible causes Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic disorder that develops over time. generalized anxiety disorder occurs when a patient becomes overwhelmed by disproportionally anticipating future events, leading the patient to become dysfunctional. The patient is unable to cope with anxiety because the patient misinterprets events. The patient is at risk for self-medication with alcohol or other medication that is not prescribed to the patient.

The cause of generalized anxiety disorder is unknown. Researchers report that an imbalance in serotonin and GABA may influence whether a patient develops generalized anxiety disorder. GABA limits impulses from nerve cells, and serotonin helps create a feeling of well-being. Researchers also believe that increased exposure to stress increases the patient’s chances of developing generalized anxiety disorder.

Episodes of generalized anxiety disorder can be reduced through therapy and medication. The patient may develop panic disorder. The patient is at risk for becoming immunosuppressed, which can lead to infection and other medical conditions.

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