Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Group Therapy Skills and Consulting with Small Groups or Teams

Group Therapy Skills and Consulting with Small Groups or Teams The group therapy analogy is important in terms of looking at the interaction between the role the leader plays and the behavior of the members of the group. The norms of the group are important, and what is subtly communicated about rewards is often more important than what is said. Groups always operate at two different levels: an overt, conscious level where they focus on the task, and a subtle, implicit level of process that focuses on group maintenance and interpersonal dynamics (Corey, 2000; Yalom, 1995). Central Issues to Note in Group Process • Informal roles • Informal norms • Interpersonal conflict • Leadership and decision making Dealing with Groups as a Leader • Create structure by agreeing on the basics (task and process) • Create the appropriate norms by talking and walking the talk • Depending on the group, create empowerment and participation • Value and embrace group differences

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