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Gynaecological health and mental health

Gynaecological health and mental health Three specific types of gynaecological problem are important from a mental health perspective:
• Gynaecological complaints. Gynaecological health complaints are common, particularly vaginal discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. Many women with such problems also suffer from
tiredness and weakness, and depression and anxiety.
• Menstrual complaints. Some women complain of feeling unwell just before the monthly period.
This is sometimes called the pre-menstrual syndrome. Women with this syndrome may complain of feeling irritable, depressed, lacking concentration, and tiredness. During the
menopause, when menstrual periods stop in later life, some women complain of headaches, crying, irritability, anxiety, sleep problems, fatigue and lack of sexual feelings.
• Following surgery on the gynaecological organs. Women who have surgery such as family planning operations (e.g. tying of the Fallopian tubes) and operations on the womb (e.g. removal of the uterus) and breast (e.g. for breast cancer) may face mental health problems. Gynaecological surgery poses a unique stress for women because of the identification of the reproductive organs both with sexuality and with a woman’s sense of feminine identity.
In practice, you should always ask women with gynaecological complaints about depression and anxiety. Counselling and antidepressants should be used as required.

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