Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Health Implications of Migration

Health Implications of Migration
Under normal circumstances, migration itself should
not pose a risk to the health of those undertaking it.
It is rather the conditions surrounding the process that
can increase vulnerability to ill health. The risks concerned
are related to the conditions before departure,
during travel or in transit, on arrival or when settling
in a situation of socio-economical disadvantage. For
example, migrants who do physical work have a higher
risk of injury and health sequelae leading to early retirement
than the majority population of an industrialized
country. In addition to physical stress, migrants experience
a higher risk of psychosocial health problems.
They may have to cope with temporary or permanent
loss of contact to family and friends, disconnectionwith
language, culture, homeland, loss of status, and loss of contactwith their ethnic group. Psychological problems may be accentuated when migration is accomplished under adverse conditions. Irregular migrants are, in addition, exposed to considerable physical risks.

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