Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

health professionals working together

health professionals working together Effectivemanagement of health workers’ migration has to consider both sides: the push and the pull factors.
The World Health Report 2006 proposes strategies for
source countries and receiving countries of international
migration. Most importantly, it emphasizes that
the migration of health professionals has to be recognized as a concern of the international community similar to any other emerging health crisis that single countries cannot deal alone with, such as natural disasters
or infectious disease epidemics. The focus is on
national leadership as governments are usually carrying
the responsibility for public services, educational and
financial policies.Strategies have to be adapted to national and professional particularities such as disease profiles, mechanisms of resource distribution, or the power of professional bodies.
As for source countries, the focus should be on training
schemes that meet the actual needs, and on the
improvement of local working conditions – which usually
requires the support of receiving countries. The latter should also develop responsible recruitment policies and ensure that migrant workers are treated fairly. Recruitment and retention schemes are of importance on both sides to move towards self-sufficiency and avoid the loss of professionals for the health sector.
There are examples of bilateral agreements to regulate
the issuance and duration of work permissions,
e.g. between South Africa and the United Kingdom.
The Philippines encourage citizens who work abroad to
send remittances through official channels and support
the return of migrant workers by offering them scholarships
and loans at preferential conditions.

A number of guidelines, tools and codes of practice
have also emerged. However, such measures need to be
evaluated to strengthen the foundation for future policy
making and migration management.

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