Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

health screening assessment

As people with intellectual disabilities often do not report illnesses, it can be useful for you to arrange regular health screening with the person’s GP or practice nurse. This will help identify treatable problems with vision or hearing, obesity, skin infections, diabetes and other conditions. Also, it isimportant for you to review care at times of transition (e.g. leaving school). Encourage the person to see the same doctor or nurse at each appointment, if possible, to build trust and reduce problems in communication. Regular check-ups can be organized with local general medical practitioners, dentists and other relevant health professionals. The individual may find it helpful to use a calendar and fill in a reminder showing when the next check-up is due. You can help the person by reminding them and by helping them to make and keep appointments. Ideally the person you care for will be the onewho takes responsibility for his or her own physical health. The following check-ups may be particularly important:  Dental care for tooth decay, gum disease or other dental problems  Podiatry for injured or painful feet  Pelvic examinations (pap smears) to detect early cervical changes or sexually transmitted diseases  Breast screening  Prostate and testicular checks  Blood tests to detect anaemia and monitor the effects of or levels of certain medicines (e.g. those given for some kinds of epilepsy, thyroid disorders)  Screening for skin cancers  Diabetes  Diet and nutrition  Optometry

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