Mental health articles
OF mental health care and mentally ill
how can you help someone with depression
how can you help someone with depression DURING DEPRESSED MOODS Please refer to the advice for depression which is given earlier in this chapter. DURING MANIC PERIODS Avoid argument and confrontation unless necessary to prevent harmful acts. The person you care for may be convinced that he or she is right, although to you and others their thoughts are irrational. Also take care regarding impulsive or dangerous behaviour. Sometimes close observation by family members or others is needed to prevent the person getting into trouble (e.g. debt because they overspend their money, trouble with the police for inappropriate behaviour in public). If you or the person is able to identify early symptoms of forthcoming ‘highs’ then advise and encourage them to: Stop consumption of tea and coffee and other caffeine-based food and drink that act as stimulants Avoid stimulating or stressful situations Plan for a good night’s sleep Take relaxing exercise during the day (e.g. swimming or a walk before bed) Take steps to limit their ability to spend money
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