Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How can you help the autism you care for

How can you help the autism you care for

Depending on the type of autism the person has there are many things thatyou can do to help the person you are caring for. These can include the following:

_ Try to understand that people with autism have a different way

of viewing the world. Try to see situations from their point ofview

_ Try to value and develop the person’s own interests andactivities. Don’t just try to change them to become more likeus, as they will find this difficult and won’t necessarily want todo it

_ Try to create a secure, predictable and structured environmentfor the person to live in

_ Always let the person have a clear idea of what is going tohappen during the day, and use picture charts or lists asreminders

_ When something is going to change or stop always give thema warning before (for example, ‘When this televisionprogramme is over your friend John is coming to visit you’)

_ Always try to support the person when they face a change in aknown routine

_ Don’t assume the person knows what you’re going to do nextand never take it for granted that they know the next step in asequence of events

_ Always say their name first before you speak to them _ Speak in short phrases and use pictures, photos or gestures toprovide more information about what you want them to do

_ Try to use language that is easy to understand, specific andhonest. Don’t use abstract language, and try to use objects toaid understanding

_ Avoid sarcasm or irony as these are confusing and can bedisrespectful

_ Allow the person enough time to respond – giving time for thewords to be recognized and considered

_ Try to reduce any anxiety they might have by using a quiet andcalm voice and manner

_ Give the person simple choices, such as the apple or thebanana, and make it clear to avoid confusion

_ Always be consistent and try to be positive

Looking after an individual with autism can be very rewarding but alsodraining, particularly if the right support is not available. Therefore it isimportant that you look after your own mental health as well.

It has been shown that compliance with treatment is improved whenfamily or carers and the person with autism are involved in regular reviewsof management. It is therefore important to ensure that both you and theperson you care for are involved in any reviews of management.

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