Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

how do benzodiazepines reduce anxiety

how do benzodiazepines reduce anxiety A doctor may prescribe benzodiazepines for the short-term where anxiety
is complicated by other mental health problems or physical illness. Also
they can be used for the control of intensely disturbed behaviour, as they
are rapidly sedative when given by injection. Many carers of people with
epilepsy will know that medicines like clonazepam (Rivotril) are used to
control epilepsy. They can also help in the withdrawal from other drugs,
such as alcohol. They should be limited to the lowest possible dose for the
shortest possible time (e.g. diazepam, one of the benzodiazepines, is also a
hypnotic drug because it is used to induce sleep – see also Chapter 8).
A common side effect is that benzodiazepines are addictive. After
about a week, the same dose no longer has the desired effect and more has
to be taken to get the same effect. Taking too much of a benzodiazepine
may cause intoxication; the person may become unsteady, drowsy and may
slur their speech. Stopping the medicine can make the person feel even
more anxious, restless, unable to sleep, sweaty, confused, prone to headaches,
and craving for the medicine. Weaning an addicted person from
hypnotic drugs like the benzodiazepines can be a slow, difficult process.

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