Mental health articles

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How does a person react to bereavement?

Bereavement (or grief) is the experience someone goes through when a loved one dies. Most people will experience bereavement at some point in their life. The death of someone we love is probably the most severe loss we have to cope with. This is why bereavement can become a mental
health issue.
How does a person react to bereavement?
Bereavement is like a wound. Like a wound, it hurts. The person will need time to recover and to allow the wound to heal. And, like some wounds, bereavement can sometimes take longer to heal or become complicated. Iis important to recognise that bereavement is an intensely personal experience: there is no right or wrong way to grieve. In some communities, bereavement can also be a collective experience involving many people grieving together. In such situations, the pain of loss can be shared with others.


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