Mental health articles

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How Does Commercial sexual exploitation of children Affect the Victims’ Health?

How Does Commercial sexual exploitation of children Affect the Victims’ Health?
The impacts of sexual violence on the victims’ health
are considered significant . Effects can be short and/or long term and –
depending on gender, age, and personal history – can
vary considerably. To date there have been few investigations
into the global public health problems resulting
from the large numbers of children forced into prostitution. It is known, however, that disorders resulting from sexual exploitation affect
the personal health of victims and have implications for
public health.They include:
• physical impact (injuries, particularly to internal and external sexual organs);
• psychosomatic impact;
• psychological impact ( post-traumatic stress disorders,
loss of self-respect, depression);
• health-endangering behavior such as drug abuse, high-risk sexual practices;
• impact related to  sexual and reproductive health
(sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions);
• self-harm and suicide.

Trafficked women and girls are particularly seriously affected because their often illegal status forces them to avoid making use of public services. The fear of being handed over to the police, as well as the fear of being
shunned and discriminated against by their families and
peer group, complete the vicious circle.

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