Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How the Workplace man keep mental healthy

How the Workplace man keep mental healthy. As we all know, it needs kinds of nutritive for the grow of body, such as protein, fat, sugar, inorganic salt, nutramin and water and so on.. At fact , the nutritive of psychological is also very important ,it will influence psychological health if it is famine.Then what is the important nutrient of mental healthy? First of all, the most important spirit nutrient is love. Love can accompany people's life. Childhood mainly is the love of parents, Childhood is the key to cultivating people's mental health.At this stage if not sufficient and correct, parental love, then it Will affect the development of the his life's mental health. Young age increased the partner and the love of the teachers, Young lovers and husband and wife's love is especially important. The middle-aged social responsibility is significant, Colleagues, family and children's love is very important, They will make the young people in family business confidence and motivation, Let the life be filled with joy and warmth. A person if not especially their loved ones love for a long time, mental imbalance will occur and, in turn, produce disorder or disease The second kind of the spirit of the important nutrients is a catharsis and guidance Whether transfer to avoid or try to masturbate, can only temporary temporarily ease the mental conflict, obtained on the surface of the psychological balance, cure is standard, and moderate an outlet has a fundamental role, of course this kind of an outlet should be benign, not to harm others does not harm society for the principle, otherwise will be a vicious cycle, bring more unhappiness For example, when you are depressed, can go to play football, put fire in them, encounter not satisfactory thing to tell friends and family, empty out the displeasure of heart, this is an outlet At the same time, also hope that someone to help you solve heart knot, or help out a good idea. An outlet and guidance is an effective way to maintain mental balance. mental  burden, if not an outlet or channel, will increase the mental contradiction and then become a mental disorder Third, with the strength of ideal and belief is the spirit of the important nutrients Ideal and faith strength is amazing, it is especially important on mental effects, in the journey of life, we often encounter all kinds of setbacks and failures, will to some unexpected difficulties, at this moment, belief and ideal are like the psychological balance, it can help people to keep stable state of mind, through bumpy and setbacks, prevent deviating from the orbit of life, into the dark space in heart

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