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how to alleviate swearing at work

how to alleviate swearing at work?Britain's new study has found that people occasionally say swearing, help to relieve tension, beneficial body and mind.

Swear words always feels bad impression to the person, even repulsive. Recently reported, the latest study found that people occasionally say swearing. Helps relieve nervous tension, beneficial body and mind.

Researcher at the university of earlier experiments, the volunteers to play violent video games, but want them to remember before the start of the thick mouths speak out, the average recall of swearing at 7. When the volunteers after the game, found eight, remember the swearing is more before you play the game. Is responsible for the research of psychologist, playing violent video games will let people have more emotional ups and downs, we take more words.

The researchers also on another experiment. They divided the volunteers into two groups, one group with full of ice water, they can say. Another group of the same with ice water, but they can't speak. "" swearing groups with ice water for a long time, mean swearing can let a person feel less pain, promote physical and mental health, are more likely to help promote creativity.

But the researchers also point out that said swearing also enough is enough, because that too much, the effectiveness of control emotions can reduce instead.

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