Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How to avoid mental fatigue

 Tiredness divides into psychological and physical,and the two aspects could not be avoided.Then,how to avoid mental the tiredness of psychology,in other word,how to avoid mental fatigue?

    First of all,looking for one or two bosom friends.

Maybe we just want someone listen to us when we were sad, not had a lesson from other person.So, the so-called “close friend” is a necessary part of our lives. A good listening of your friend allows you to sort out your thoughts and the pretty understanding is a support and encouragement to you.Therefore,Let’s find our own close friend.

     Secondly:Throw away the shackles of perfectionism

    Not everyone is a sage.If we could be more tolerant to ourselves,we may do ourselves more easily.

Third:See the world in different aspects

The reason why we can’t focus on something happening in a particular moment,the key is that we  pay too much attention to the purpose of some stakeholders but ignore many wonderful things. When we go to work,we’d better enjoy details in the beautiful morning,not worring about more than an hour on the shuttle away.Burst of birds could make you happy ,the blooming flowers may make you feel refreshed and stay in a  good mood when you are working.  

    Fourth:”Cranky” could cancel tiredness

From studies,psychologists found that cranky plays an important part in helping  cancel the tiredness in working and life. When you feel tired,sleepy,or bored,please  be cranky.You can imagine you and your husband restarting a honeymoon travel,wages are twice as usual due to outstanding performance,your baby growing up……All in all,your thoughts can travel as long as you can,as it is happy to indulge.However, rambling cranky is just a supplement in the daily life,please don’t put the cart before the horse.

Fifth: make life more changeable

We could change our lifestyle sometimes,just like buying the recipes,trying to do dome fresh dishes,or having occasional family candlelight dinner.In holidays,the whole family could go traveling.

In short,you can have a try as long as you can.Perhaps it is just a small change can make unexpected results.

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