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how to avoid smoking cigarettes
how to avoid smoking cigarettes how to avoid smoking cigarettes in schools and colleges? Adolescence is the time when many people first try smoking or drinking. This is the most important time to provide education on how to avoid smoking and prevent drinking problems.
These are some messages you can use in schools and colleges:
• It is not ‘cool’ to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Do you think smelling of stale smoke or drink is ‘sexy’?
• Smoking and drinking before the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries) is a crime, just like stealing.
• Advertisements that show beautiful and athletic people smoking and drinking are selling a lie.
In fact, those who smoke or drink are much sicker than others and look much worse.
• You can have fun and party without drugs or alcohol. Having a good time means enjoying friendships and activities without the need to take any substances.
• If you know someone who is smoking or drinking, be a friend
and suggest to them they should stop.
• You will use up all your money on alcohol or tobacco; imagine
what you could do with that money if you stopped.
• Why do you need a drug to be yourself? Stop, and you will
really be yourself.
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